Lizzie Sider

Oct 28, 2016

UPDATE: 2,300 SCHOOLS AND 1,400,000 KIDS!

My BULLY PREVENTION VIDEO PACKAGE is now being used by 2,300 schools, which represents nearly 1,400,000 elementary and middle school students, and the number is growing DAILY.

I can’t tell you how thrilled and proud I am!

For those of you who are not yet familiar with what I offer…

  • If you are a Teacher, Principal, Superintendent, or Counselor, please take a look at my package. You will not regret it.

  • If you are a Student or Parent and would like to see a bully prevention program in your school that your kids actually love and connect with, ask your school to order my package.

  • If you are an organization that wants a great, fun, interactive, and effective bully prevention program for your kids, I encourage you to take a look at my package.

  • If you have any questions about my program, contact me at

My package is CATCHING ON FIRE! What are you waiting for?

If you have not yet heard about my offer, please go to my SIGN UP PAGE (the Video Package tab on this website) and watch my TWO MINUTE CLIP!