On May 3, 2016, from midnight to midnight, NOBODY HAS THE POWER TO RUIN YOUR DAY is participating in THE GREAT GIVE, a 24-hour online giving event led by the Community Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin Counties, United Way of Palm Beach County and United Way of Martin County. Great Give 2016 is designed to raise as much money as possible for local nonprofits in just one day as part of a nation-wide program called Give Local America.
Every dollar donated to NOBODY HAS THE POWER TO RUIN YOUR DAY will enable more elementary and middle schools to participate in Lizzie’s Bully Prevention Program.
Through NOBODY HAS THE POWER TO RUIN YOUR DAY, at no cost to schools, Lizzie has already performed her bully prevention assembly, live, at over 350 schools for more than 150,000 students, throughout America. And, to reach even more students and schools, the Foundation is creating a dynamic and interactive professionally produced 30 minute video, in Palm Beach County, featuring Lizzie, that closely tracks the content of her live assembly. This video is being offered to schools at NO COST, along with a wristband for each child and a curriculum booklet for the teachers with questions for follow up in the classroom. As of April 1, 2016, over 1,000 schools representing more than 650,000 students have requested this package. Your donation to NOBODY HAS THE POWER TO RUIN YOUR DAY will help share Lizzie’s message of positivity and bully prevention with children, everywhere!
Please consider donating to NOBODY HAS THE POWER TO RUIN YOUR DAY through www.GreatGiveFlorida.org on May 3:
On May 3, between 12:01am and 11:59pm, go to https://greatgiveflorida.org/npo/nobody-has-the-power-to-ruin-your-day-inc
Click on the DONATE button (the button will be added on May 3)
Thank you in advance for your donation; it is greatly appreciated!