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Writer's pictureLizzie Sider

Lizzie is Taking Her Tour to Texas!

Lizzie is Taking Her Tour to Texas!

As my School Tour winds down in Florida, I reflect on how amazing this experience has been, and all the people I have been blessed to touch with my message, “Nobody Has The Power to Ruin Your Day” the words of wisdom my dad told me, several years ago, as I was leaving for school one day, and which empowered me and changed my life. Little did I (or my family!) know that this would eventually become the theme for a wonderful project that will take me to over 250 schools nationwide, this school year!

Amazing student art at my Lakeside Junior High, Orange Park, FL assembly

Since October, I have conducted 180 assemblies throughout California and Florida. My tour has been wonderfully received by school admins and students alike, and I am honored and excited to announce that we’re taking my school tour to 70 schools in the great state of TEXAS in April and May, this year!

Read more about my School Assembly Tour.

“I believe our students are forever changed by Lizzie’s performance. The way she expressed her immense amount of integrity, self respect, maturity, self discipline, positive thinking brought tears to my eyes.” – Counselor, California middle school

“As I saw our students jumping up and down, singing and smiling, I had goose bumps all day. One little girl told me that she was going to save her bracelet “for the rest of her life.” “Lizzie is a role model….. so much hope and joy. What is most impressive is how she addresses children and how she remembers names. This is my 30th year in education. The last few days were among my happiest for kids.” – Superintendent, school district in Northern California

“Hi lizzie you came to my school you are so inspiring to millions of people I’m like your #1 fan I also love your song butterfly I also saw around my school that people stopped bullying just because you came and inspired them so much our school is a better school now because of you thanks so much!!!!! :)” ~ your #1 Fan (FL school, 6th grader)

“Hi, I just wanted to say that when you came to my school i was thinking “why do we need to go to a bully thing”, but when you started to talk and told my school what you went through as a kid i thought to my self, “Wow, she is right. people should not bully.” when you told us how kids bullied you i felt the same way because i just moved to [my school] i was really scared. so when the assembly was over i was really happy that you came to my school because now you have inspired me to stick up to bullies and not let them push someone else around. i hope i turn out to be as nice, beautiful, inspiring, and talented as you” (Student quote)

I’m looking forward to discovering the beauty of TEXAS and it’s people, and continuing to spread my message of empowerment and growth.





Join the movement!

Your donation will help us continue to provide messages of anti-bullying and hope to students throughout the USA and worldwide. Any amount is appreciated and all donations are fully tax-deductible. Thank you for your contribution!

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